We’ve implemented a workflow similar to the one in the below and are using it to revoke access against a SAP Source. The only real difference is our filter on the data into the loop. It works generally pretty well but for some of the access the account is locked during revocation and causes other items to fail, this is primarily due to the “Loop” function working in parallel (I missed this part during dev).
My question is, is there any way to do a better loop within workflow? My issue would be solved if there was a sequential loop.
My goal is to revoke all access thats not applied as birthright once a user leaves the org.
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Hello Jesvin, I tried searching developer but missed that one. It would likely do the trick, let me look into it.
Thank you.
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As a note, The information in the linked article says it won’t work work access. We attempted to pass the users IdentityID and the access through but were unsuccessful to get all the data through.
I hope we get a proper sequential look at some point from sailpoint in the workflows.