Workflow launcher not able to render Forms

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Version 8.3

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HI team,

I have a customized LCM registration workflow wherein we are launching forms for setting MFA and password (2 different forms) and it works fine via New User Registration link provided on the login page.

However, I am trying to launch the same workflow from a Rule via workflower, it is able to launch the workflow but it stays at start step and is not able to render the from marked in the next step after start.

Below is code I am triggering to launch workflow-

String wfName = "LCM Registration";
    Workflow workflow = (Workflow)context.getObjectByName(Workflow.class,wfName);



    WorkflowLaunch wfLaunch = new WorkflowLaunch();
    log.error("worklfow name " +workflow);
    if(null != workflow){
      wfLaunch.setCaseName("LCM Registration");

      Workflower workflower = new Workflower(context);
      WorkflowLaunch Launch = workflower.launch(wfLaunch);
    return "WF launched successfully";

Below is LCM registration WF-

Step icon="Start" name="Start" posX="178" posY="126">
      log.error("PRint inside workflow for lcm registeration launch via plugin ***************");
    Transition to="MFA Mobile Number"/>
Step name="MFA Mobile Number" posX="762" posY="126">
    Approval name="MFA User" owner="ref:launcher">
      Form name="MFA Mobile Number">
            entry key="hideIncompleteFields">
            entry key="includeHiddenFields">
            entry key="pageTitle" value="Password Reset"/>
        Section columns="2" label="Reset your password" name="PwdDetails">
          Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Enter your password" name="password" required="true" type="string"/>
          Field columnSpan="1" displayName="Re-Enter your password" name="cPassword" required="true" type="string"/>
      log.error("PRint inside azure mfa step ");
    <Transition to="Azure MFA"/>

It is able to launch the first logger in the start step - PRint inside workflow for lcm registeration launch via plugin *************** but not able to print the logger in MFA Mobile number step.

Any help will be really appreciated!!

@sharvari @kjakubiak Could you please help on this, I am have tried multiple approaches but struggling since a while

@drosenbauer Could you please help here

Did you check if there is any open workflow case when you launch via code? Stuck at start step, if so can you share the same.

Hi Shubham,
I would suggest first to add trace=true as variable into your workflow so you will be able to track it’s execution in logs.

Second - if you schedule workflow do be started via workflower it’s actualy - perform maintenance task which needs to pick it up - check if this task is runinng successfully.

Last - I’ve never started workflow “now” I usualy schedule it in now+5 seconds - you can try to do the same maybe it will solve your problem.

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HI Satish

NO the Workflow is not stuck at start step, I cannot see any pending workflow case.

sure @kjakubiak let me check and update it to you

In addition to what Kamil has mentioned, please add log.debug loggers to see at which step you have an issue that way you can trace the workflow.

HI Kamil

I tried the options you mentioned but seems workflow is not going to step it has approval tag for forms inside it, I have a normal step without workitem form then it’s doing those operations but not able to load the form on the MFA step.

I have tried multiple approaches but while launching workflow from plugin java class from workflower it’s not loading the form for MFA and password reset at all.

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