[Workflow] Filter for attribute change only if two specific attributes are changing


We would like to create a specific workflow so that we can create a certification campaign if the user is changing of manager & team. We are struggling finding an Xpath for this. We have manage to detect when there is a change of both attributes, but we are not able to exclude a change of manager only.

Example :
User 1 has a new manager, but team is not changing → we do not want to execute the workflow
User 2 has a new team → we want to execute the workflow
User 3 has a new team and a new manager → we want to execute the workflow

Thanks for your help

Hi @alexandre_mazars,

I am assuming you are using trigger as “Identity Attribute Changed”. You could choose to just filter it on team attribute like this $.changes[?(@.attribute == "team")]

If you want to trigger on the workflow when both attribute changes, you could try $.changes[?(@.attribute == "team" && @.attribute == "manager")]

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Hello Animesh,

Using Online JSONPath Evaluator Tool (javainuse.com), with the following JSON and your filter I’m not able to obtain any result :

            "oldValue":"[email protected]",
            "newValue":"[email protected]"

Hi Alexandre,

Try the filter below. I checked with the above JSON and it is working. I hope it solves the issue with your scenario.

$[?(("department" in @.changes[*].attribute && "manager" in @.changes[*].attribute))]


You’re right ! We can also use :

$[?($.changes[?(@.attribute == "department")] size 1)][?($.changes[?(@.attribute == "manager")] size 1)]

Thanks for your help !

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