Identity Attribute Change filter

Hi I am trying to create a filter for this workflow

I want for when an identity manager changes, but also if they are in a specific businessUnit example here is what I have tried.

I have a similar workflow in place but it only utilizes a single filter on a single attribute. Have you had any success with AND statements in filters at all? Is your workflow test input valid? I had no shortage of issues massaging my test input into something usable.

Yea I have no issues with just single attribute. No so success so for with and statement, but I am not sure I am doing it properly

At trigger level you only have changed attributes in changes array.

So you firstly, do this filter at your trigger level :

$.changes[?(@.attribute === "manager")]

And after in your get identity action

After that you can add a " Comparison Operators" operator :

Value 1 : $.getIdentity.attributes.businessUnit

Comparison operator : Contains

Value 2 : ["business unit 1", "Businnes unit 2"]

In false output of this operator you can end your workflow and in true output you can continue with your logic.

Note :

Here is example of data of “Identity Attribute changed” trigger :

            "oldValue":"[email protected]",
            "newValue":"[email protected]"

And in Identity object you have only three attributes : id, name and type and no more.
And in changes object you have only attribute that was changed.

Or do you want to trigge in same time manager and businnessUnit modification ?
For that you can use this filter :

$[?($.changes[?(@.attribute == "manager")] size 1)][?($.changes[?(@.attribute == "businessUnit" && @.newValue in ["Business unit 1", "Business unit 2", "Business unit 3"])] size 1)]

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Yes I already have the first one with compare strings I was hoping that I could only have the workflow to trigger for the manager to change but the identity being apart of a specific business unit.

@Dw2456 you can refer to the steps that i describe. You can identity who manager was changed and check his businnessUnit/

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