Workflow executions endpoint not working with offset

I am using the api to check all executions of a workflow.

For this, I am using get-worklow-executions.

Like every other sailpoint endpoint, for data values with more than 250 items I need to make more than one call and offset the already gotten values. However, in this endpoint, if I add any offset, the api just doesnt return any data. I tried with just offset=1 and it already returns nothing.

Is this just a bug or am I doing anything wrong?

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For this you need to pass the workflow id. Then it will list down all the executions of the workflow.

Are you passing the id?



I am passing the workflow id.

The url I’m using is: {baseURL}/v3/workflows/{workflow_id}/executions?offset=1

When I remove the offset, it returns 250 executions, but when I use the offset=1 (or any other number) it will return data as an empty string, not even an empty array.

Hi Ramiro,
I was able to replicate this issue across the V3 and V2024 API as well. I’m suspecting a bug. I’d recommend opening an issue so that it can be looked at.

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I am able to replicate this issue in our tenant as well. Opened a CS case too.