Work item Form creation for quicklink form

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I’m working on quicklink form and generating access request once the quicklink form is submitted. The approval flow is displayed properly in access request but workitem with form data which i selected during submission of quicklink form is not getting generated. I’m passing workItemForm argument with my custom form name.

Hi Lalitha,

Could you share the xml object?

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Hi @LalithyaReddy,

I am not exactly sure what are your requirements, but here’s a way to generate approvals from quicklink form submissions:

  1. Have a quicklink configured to launch a workflow by setting the quicklink action as workflow
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE QuickLink PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<QuickLink action="workflow" category="Custom"
  1. You can have a workflow embedded form that will collect the information (configure as required)
  2. Upon submission of the form transition to a workitem (type approval) configure the owner at the approval step.

This is a very high-level brief of the process, please tweak it accordingly.

I have attached a sample workflow that may be of help here.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Workflow PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Workflow created="1629837882606" explicitTransitions="true" id="7f0000017b791eab817b79e874ee0105" modified="1629839384450" name="Request-CellPhone" type="">
  <Variable initializer="string:true" input="true" name="trace"/>
  <Variable initializer="string:false" input="true" name="transient"/>
  <Variable input="true" name="manager"/>
  <Variable input="true" name="requester"/>
  <Variable input="true" name="requesterEmail"/>
  <Variable input="true" name="managerEmail"/>
  <Variable name="phoneType"/>
  <Variable name="jobType"/>
  <Variable name="requesterComments"/>
  <Variable name="managerComments"/>
  <Variable name="dateNeeded"/>
  <Step icon="Start" name="Start" posX="28" posY="10">
    <Transition to="Print Input Variables"/>
  <Step icon="Message" name="RequesterForm" posX="280" posY="10">
    <Approval name="CellPhoneRequest-Form" owner="ref:requester" return="dateNeeded,requesterComments,phoneType,jobType" send="requester">
      <Arg name="workItemDescription" value="Enter Cell Phone Requirements for $(requester)"/>
      <Arg name="workItemRequester" value="ref:requester"/>
      <Arg name="workItemType" value="Form"/>
      <Form name="CellPhoneRequest-Form">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="CellPhoneRequest-Form"/>
        <Section label="Instructions" name="userInstructions" type="text">
          <Field name="instructions" value="Please enter your choice of cell phone, your job type and any comments regarding your request."/>
        <Section label="Phone Request">
          <Field displayName="Phone" name="phoneType" required="true">
                  <String>Windows Phone</String>
          <Field displayName="Job Function" name="jobType" required="true">
          <Field displayName="Date Needed" name="dateNeeded" required="true" type="date"/>
          <Field displayName="Comments" displayType="textarea" name="requesterComments"/>
        <Button action="next" label="Submit for approval"/>
        <Button action="cancel" label="Fill in later"/>
    <Transition to="ManagerForm"/>
  <Step icon="Message" name="ManagerForm" posX="414" posY="10">
    <Approval name="ManagerForm" owner="ref:manager" return="managerComments" send="requester,phoneType,jobType,requesterComments,dateNeeded">
      <Arg name="workItemDescription" value="Approval cell phone: $(requester)"/>
      <Arg name="workItemRequester" value="ref:requester"/>
      <Arg name="workItemNotificationTemplate" value="CellPhoneManagerApproval"/>
      <Arg name="workItemType" value="Form"/>
      <Arg name="requesterName" value="ref:requester"/>
      <Form name="ManagerForm">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="ManagerForm"/>
        <Section label="Instructions" name="userInstructions" type="text">
          <Field name="instructions" value="The following employee has requested a cell phone."/>
          <Field displayName="Employee Name:" name="requester"/>
          <Field displayName="Phone Type:" name="phoneType"/>
          <Field displayName="Job Function:" name="jobType"/>
          <Field displayName="Comments:" name="requesterComments"/>
          <Field displayName="Date Requested" name="dateNeeded" type="date">
                <entry key="readOnly" value="true"/>
        <Section label="Comments">
          <Field displayName="Comments" displayType="textarea" name="managerComments"/>
        <Button action="next" label="Approve Request"/>
        <Button action="back" label="Reject Request"/>
    <Transition to="Approved" when="script:approved"/>
    <Transition to="Rejected"/>
  <Step action="call:sendEmail" icon="Email" name="Approved" posX="573" posY="7">
    <Arg name="template" value="CellPhoneApproved"/>
    <Arg name="comments" value="ref:managerComments"/>
    <Arg name="from" value="ref:managerEmail"/>
    <Arg name="to" value="ref:requesterEmail"/>
    <Transition to="ProvisionCellPhone"/>
  <Step action="call:sendEmail" icon="Email" name="ProvisionCellPhone" posX="669" posY="10">
    <Arg name="template" value="CellPhoneProvision"/>
    <Arg name="phoneType" value="ref:phoneType"/>
    <Arg name="dateNeeded" value="ref:dateNeeded"/>
    <Arg name="managerComments" value="ref:managerComments"/>
    <Arg name="from" value="ref:requesterEmail"/>
    <Arg name="to" value="[email protected]"/>
    <Arg name="jobType" value="ref:jobType"/>
    <Arg name="requesterComments" value="ref:requesterComments"/>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>
  <Step action="call:sendEmail" icon="Email" name="Rejected" posX="532" posY="126">
    <Arg name="template" value="CellPhoneRejected"/>
    <Arg name="comments" value="ref:managerComments"/>
    <Arg name="from" value="ref:managerEmail"/>
    <Arg name="to" value="ref:requesterEmail"/>
    <Transition to="Stop"/>
  <Step icon="Stop" name="Stop" posX="800" posY="10"/>
  <Step icon="Default" name="Print Input Variables" posX="140" posY="10">
      <Source>System.out.println("manager = " + manager); 
System.out.println("requester = " + requester); 
System.out.println("managerEmail = " + managerEmail); 
System.out.println("requesterEmail = " + requesterEmail);</Source>
    <Transition to="RequesterForm"/>

Hope this helps


Hi @BalajiChandrasekaran /@sreeram ,

Thank you for your prompt responses.

I’ve written code the same as how you mentioned achieving the use case… but the question I have is… I need to create an auto approve workitem(Type: Form) with the form details that was entered by the requester.

Kindly let me know if any additional information is required.


Hi @LalithyaReddy

You want to auto approve the workitem if the requester and approver are the same? Is that your requirement?

Hi @LalithyaReddy,

Once you resolve the owner of the rule using rule\script you can use the following logic to auto-approve the workitem

              if (owner.equals(launcher)) {
                System.out.println("The launcher and the approver are the same, launcher removed from approvers");
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