while creating a source how the source will decide for which identity profile it is mapping? let say we have multiple identity profiles with its respective multiple authoritative sources, but while creating non-authoritative sources how it maps? kindly help on this what is the sequence/process or is there a way to select identity profile while creating non authoritative source. even each identity profile has LCS how exactly maps is so confusing
- You create source first, doesn’t matter HR or Target
- We have a new option for every source while creation, Authoritative Source
- If you select it, then it will just give you a pop-up that Identity Profile is not yet created for this source
- Create Identity Profile and select the respective HR Source
- Inside Identity Profile, you can have attribute mappings from different sources, doesnt need to be same HR Source.
Hi @shaffusailpoint ,
From what you’ve described you have multiple authoritative which has its own IdentityProfile mapped to it and when you’re creating a non-authoritative source you would like to know which IdentityProfile it maps to.
So we will not be directly mapping any IdentityProfile to a non-authoritative source. Instead we will utilize the correlation feature. (Correlation is the process Identity Security Cloud uses to match and assign source accounts to identities. Identity Security Cloud’s correlation configuration compares the values of specific account attributes with the values of related identity attributes)
- Create a source(Authoritative).
- Create an IdentityProfile and map the authoritative source you just created.
- Create the non-authoritative source.
- Identify the attribute that is common or fixed between the Identity Attributes from the Identity Profile for an authoritative source and the account attributes from the non-authoritative source, example: “EmployeeId”.
- Use these common/fixed fields to create your correlation logic.
You can use these links,
Creating an Identity Profile: Creating Identity Profiles - SailPoint Identity Services
Correlation: Assigning Source Accounts... - SailPoint Identity Services
Thanks a lot Teja! you understood exactly what I mean. Is that mean only the corelation that relates auth source with non-auth source?
Yes, that is how we can achieve a relationship between the 2 sources.
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