What is the correct way of debugging connector rules

Hi @pkgupta1,

I’m not sure whether this is still an issue for you, but I’ve done some testing of adding and modifying connector logging on the Virtual Appliances by modifying the /home/log/log4j2.properties file as recommended on the https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/IdentityNow-Articles/Enabling-Connector-Logging-in-IdentityNow/ta-p/188107 page and I’ve found that when you modify this file as suggested and then turn on debugging via the IdentityNow GUI, the properties file is deleted and replaced with a new one, clearing any changes you have made. It is turning the debugging on or off that performs this action. If you enable debugging first, then stop the service, modify the file and start the service again, your changes will stay in place until you disable debugging again.

I haven’t yet tested whether modifying the logging properties via the API results in the same behaviour.

Hope that helps.