I am newbie to Sailpoint, but learning.
We have established a webservices connector to a source called simpligov. We are currently aggregating data from the source using the following Context URL syntax:
We are getting the data imported into IDN per this context URL Query. Although, we are getting more data than we actually need.
We have created a new Context URL that works perfectly via postman and yields the results needed . When we enter this context URL in that Source Config it runs with "success:, but yields zero records.
The context URL is as follows:
/api/v1/workflows?$top=10&$skip=0&$orderby=WorkflowInstanceUpdated desc, WorkflowInstanceCreated desc&$count=true&$filter=contains(RequesterName, ‘Siromani’) and contains(WorkflowInstanceStatus, ‘Complete’) and WorkflowInstanceCreated gt 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z
I assume the same syntax I use in Postman should translate in the UI and work, but having no success.