Webservices -URL context aggregation (newbie)

I am newbie to Sailpoint, but learning.
We have established a webservices connector to a source called simpligov. We are currently aggregating data from the source using the following Context URL syntax:


We are getting the data imported into IDN per this context URL Query. Although, we are getting more data than we actually need.

We have created a new Context URL that works perfectly via postman and yields the results needed . When we enter this context URL in that Source Config it runs with "success:, but yields zero records.

The context URL is as follows:
/api/v1/workflows?$top=10&$skip=0&$orderby=WorkflowInstanceUpdated desc, WorkflowInstanceCreated desc&$count=true&$filter=contains(RequesterName, ‘Siromani’) and contains(WorkflowInstanceStatus, ‘Complete’) and WorkflowInstanceCreated gt 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z

I assume the same syntax I use in Postman should translate in the UI and work, but having no success.

if it works from postman, then try to get the curl command and you should be able to use that in the source

Hi @Testrada

Welcome to SailPoint developer community.

I believe, if you use $ it will be referred as a variable in IDN config. That is why it may be not working as expected.

Have you written any webservice before operation rule ? If not then it is recommended to write to manage these kind of operations.


I am getting the same result using the curl command in the UI.

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