I did configure Seczetta as webservices connector. To update assignment details of non employee I need to trigger api with assignmentID http://xxx.xxx/assignmentID.
Note: I did define Profile ID as native Identity which I use in Account Aggregation and Update Non Employee Identity Profile etc.
In Update Account operation, we get only native Identity and modified attribute how can I get assignmentID which I am capturing as identity attribute inside before Provisioning rule/before operation so I can set URL.
Thank you for responding Rakesh . Yes I did try this but the problem is I need to get assignment ID from profile ID (native Identity) and then update upn in assignment profile through different api . I did define get object in connector which api looks like
GET https://xxxx.xxx.xxx/api/profiles/$nativeidentity
“profile”: {
In Get Object operation if I map response information root path to $.profile.attributes.assignment_id and referring that attribute in before operation rule
String x= $getobject.response$;
if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("Update Account")){
url = requestEndPoint.getContextUrl();
finalUrl = url + X;
failing with error “Class or variable not found: $getobject.response$.” I am not sure if get Object can be called in UpdateAccount.
I am capturing this assignment ID in identity attribute. Please let me know if this can be captured in Before Operation Rule as plan contains only native Identity and attributes changed when Update Operation is triggered.
So you want to fetch Identity attribute during Update operation. Can you try the following.
Call end source api and get rest of the attributes (apart from firstname) and use those. You will still need to write rule here because if you are syncing 5 different attributes , not all of them would sync at same time so if firstname is coming from plan because it was changed, you need to make sure you are picking firstname from plan and not from the response you got from end system.
Overall you need to pick attributes from plan first and rest of the attributes from end system.
You can use combination of chaining and before operation rule to achieve this.
You can use before provisioning rule and add rest of the attributes which are not changed under arguments and read those arguments in before operation rule and put them in body.
Thank you Rakesh.
I did try 1st option earlier, here the issue is when we try to convert JSON to Map with GET api for seczetta we get nested values which throws parse errors. Trying to get api for getting assignment id form profile id from team .
2nd option didn’t try yet. Please let me know if you tried it and worked?