Web Services Before Operation Rule Issue


I have a requirement where we are connecting to Seczetta (Webservices).

Here in order to update non employee details from SailPoint to SecZetta are two profiles one is

  1. identity details with endpoint api https://xxx.xxx/api/profiles/ProfileID
    In order to update Identity details I am using OOTB http operation update account and its working fine.
  2. assignment details with endpoint api https://xxx.xxx/api/profiles/assignmentID

Here to update assignment details ('native identity’ is ‘ProfileID’) OOTB http update account operation ‘context url’ ais ‘api/profiles/ProfileID’

In webservicesbeforeoperation rule , I am triggering target system and getting assignmentID value using restClient.executeGet which is successful.

In order to update assignment details I did set context url as this ‘/api/profiles/assignmentID’ for condition if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("Update Account")) by taking old url


Please let me know if anyone has idea:)

Thank you!

Hi Yamini.

It is not clear what problem you are seeing. Can you be very specific about what the problem is, what you are trying to accomplish, what you have tried so far, and what was the result of your efforts?

Hi Colin,

In webservicesbeforeoperation rule, ‘setContextUrl’ method (of class
sailpoint.connector.webservices.Endpoint) is not working. I did work with ‘setFullUrl’ method it did work. Please let me know if ‘setContextUrl’ method has any known issues.

Thank you.

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