I have an API that I has a limit of 50 for returning users, and I need an AfterOperationRule to help format the data correctly.
When I add in the rule pagination breaks and won’t run past that initial first call.
First call: /profiles.json?per_page=10
Pagination settings:
Initial offset = 1
page size =10
$sysparm_offset$ = $sysparm_offset$ + $offset$
$endpoint.fullUrl$ = $application.baseUrl$ + “/profiles.json?per_page=”+$limit$+“&page=” + $sysparm_offset$
My Questions are:
- Has anyone encountered AfterOperationRules breaking pagination before
- Is there any good way to increment pagination by 1? I need to start pagination from page 2 (first call is technically page 1), to ensure the number of accounts on an aggregation and the accounts line up.
Regards Brendon