Paging steps on webservices connector for IDN API

Hello Experts,

I am using IDN V3 get accounts API call on webservices connector source.

https://<tenant> eq "12345" 

and for paging I am using the below steps but even after setting that paging steps, I am only getting 250 accounts on aggregation. Is it the paging steps not, correct?

$limit$ = 250
$sourceId$ = 12345
$nextOffset$ = $offset$ + $limit$
$endpoint.fullUrl$ = $application.baseUrl$ + "/v3/accounts?limit=250&offset=" + $nextOffset$ + "&filters=sourceId eq" + $sourceId$

Please correct if this wrong and suggest me the right way.

Thank you!

Try to change it to

Hello @kjakubiak
Thank you for your response.
still facing same issue after updating your suggestion on the paging steps

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