On 8.3p2, the WebServices connector Get Object operation for single account aggregation is not updating the Link.
I found one Compass post from 2018 where someone encountered the same issue, and a SailPoint employee wrote:
I Think “GetObject” operation will not show the updated values on the identity. To see the updated values on the identity, do an account aggregation.
I have confirmed with logs that the single account is aggregated and the ResourceObjectCustomization rule object shows the updated values before it’s returned, but nothing on the Link is updated. The SPT_LINK table has no updates in the Attributes column. It seems the ResourceObject is just discarded.
Is this expected behavior? If so, what is the purpose of the Get Object operation?
The “Get Object” operation is used to retrieve the details of a specific account or identity from a target application, which can then be used for further processing. This operation is present in almost all connector types. The “Get Object” operation alone does not update the accounts or identities.
SailPoint uses it for verifying the attributes or entitlements during access request.
If you are trying to use it for Single Account Aggregation, you will have to process the resourceObject using the Aggregator class.
Thanks @Jarin_James , so in the case of a read-only WebServices connector, is there even a use case that requires GetObject? I know if it’s not implemented, an Exception will be thrown if you navigate to Manage Accounts for an Identity with a Link on the app, but PIRM won’t be using it since there’s no provisioning.
Yeah, I agree if the connector is only leveraged for read only purpose Get Object might not be necessary. You can still have it if you are having custom Task for Single Account Aggregation.