Webservice connector for SuccessFactors Odata API custom attributes -> region, location, agency or vendorname & vpdepthead transforms?

SuccessFactors Odata custom attributes → region, location, agency or vendorname & vpdepthead transforms ?

need to have correct full & single aggregation OData apis for webservice connector ?
tried these but getting errors and not able to have any data from successfactors source.

/odata/v2/User?$select=defaultFullName,status,department&$expand=empInfo,pronounsNav/picklistLabels&$filter=status in ‘active’&$format=json

/odata/v2/User (‘{userId}’)?$format=JSON&$filter=status in ‘t’,‘f’,‘T’,‘F’,‘e’,‘d’&$expand=empInfo,manager

and also tried → to get all users,
GET https://sf.base.url
/odata/v2/User?$select=userId,firstName,status&$filter=status in ‘t’,‘f’,‘T’,‘F’,‘e’,‘d’&$format=JSON

To get single user,
GET https://sf.base.url
/odata/v2/User?$format=JSON&$filter=status in ‘t’,‘f’,‘T’,‘F’,‘e’,‘d’&$expand=empInfo,countryNav,manager

none of them worked ?

Hi @osmanmohammed ,
Have you tried this endpoints in postman??.Check whether you get response from postman .If yes ,then configure all the necessary settings like attribute schema ,authorisation and then aggregate it.

yes, its working in postman

/odata/v2/User?$select=defaultFullName,status,department&$expand=empInfo,pronounsNav/picklistLabels&$filter=status in ‘active’&$format=json

Check for the base configuration and Http operation over there.Whats the error you are getting??.Check for the token generation for this operation!!

no values are coming even after mapping we only need the state with 2 letters ex CA/TX/AZ

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