Integration of SuccessFactor’s as a webservice connector to pull the custom attributes using Odata APIs.
http operations for aggregations
Aggregating all users,
GET https://sf.base.url
/odata/v2/User?$select=userId,firstName,status&$filter=status in ‘t’,‘f’,‘T’,‘F’,‘e’,‘d’&$format=JSON
To get single user,
GET https://sf.base.url
/odata/v2/User(‘12345’)?$format=JSON&$filter=status in ‘t’,‘f’,‘T’,‘F’,‘e’,‘d’&$expand=empInfo,countryNav,manager
Aggregation is not pulling accounts in web service connector
can ambassador help on suggestions of odata right api
We are able to pull data in postman but using the same url we are not able to pull the data in sailpoint.
we like to know what need to do to aggregate these users / accounts ?
If your test connection is working fine then can you please share the Root Path and Response Mapping please?
FYI - I am actually using parent child HTTP config to get the user details like below which works perfectly fine for me:
###For full account aggregation###
#Get user details (parent endpoint) map the userId (which is personIdExternal)
/odata/v2/User?$select=defaultFullName,status,department&$expand=empInfo,pronounsNav/picklistLabels&$filter=status in 'active'&$format=json
#Get EmpJob details (child endpoint) fetch the response like below
/odata/v2/EmpJob?$select=company,companyNav/name_defaultValue&$filter=userNav/empInfo/personIdExternal eq '$response.userId$'&$expand=departmentNav,locationNav,companyNav,customString2Nav,userNav,userNav/empInfo&$format=json
###For single account aggregation###
#Get user details (parent endpoint) map the userId (which is personIdExternal)
/odata/v2/User('$plan.nativeIdentity$')?$select=defaultFullName,status,department&$expand=empInfo,pronounsNav/picklistLabels&$filter=status in 'active'&$format=json
#Get EmpJob details (child endpoint) fetch the response like below
/odata/v2/EmpJob?$select=company,companyNav/name_defaultValue&$filter=userNav/empInfo/personIdExternal eq '$response.userId$'&$expand=departmentNav,locationNav,companyNav,customString2Nav,userNav,userNav/empInfo&$format=json
Response Information (For Full account aggregation):