Hi, I am setting up manual paging by updating the requestEndPoint.setFullUrl() in the before rule with the new target URL for the next set of records.
IIQ appears to add in an " at the end of the URL which it then encodes (as “%22”) and which then results in an error:
Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in scheme name at index 0: "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals?$skiptoken=RFNwdAIAAQAAADVTZXJ2aWNlUHJpbmNpcGFsXzA2N2Q3N2VkLWRkOTQtNDBkOC1hN2E3LWExMTYzZDE5ZWY1NTVTZXJ2aWNlUHJpbmNpcGFsXzA2N2Q3N2VkLWRkOTQtNDBkOC1hN2E3LWExMTYzZDE5ZWY1NQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA**",** HTTP Error Code: 0
Has anyone experienced something similar.
We are running 8.1p1.