Illegal Character in REST API URL

I am passing below URL for account aggregation but it keeps on giving illegal character error:


I am getting below error :

Caused by: sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Illegal character in query at index 230

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 230

Caused by: Illegal character in query at index 230

Hi @ypal55955,

Can you please give us some more context about the call you are making? Is this a trigger or a REST API. If a REST API, what version? Also, can you send the complete request body?

You are most likely receiving this error because there is a character in the URL you passed that must be URL encoded. Your best bet is to encode all of the special characters in your URL using this chart using I see you already did that for the space character by using %20.

Possibly the single quotes (replace with %27) and double quotes (%22) ?

It is a GET request REST API call and there is nothing in the request body.

Can you point me to the exact endpoint in the documentation?

The webservice connector should handle encoding of character ootb. I know there was some recent bug because of new functionality added but when I am writing this it should work fine in sandbox without manual encoding. Please provide the url without encoding and see how it works.