Web Service - Use account attribute from Create account operation for Get Operation

Hello Experts,

We have an application where the schema account ID is generated in the target system. And the same account ID is used further to update/aggregate the account.

So while creating the account, we are passing “dummy_id” as ID attribute from the create profile to the “Create Account” operation, which is set as nativeIdentity in the plan. After the account is created using other attributes, we get the actual ID as part of the response.

We have created a “Create Account - Get Operation” using “$response.ID$” with parent as “Create Account”. This also works fine.

The problem is it calls the “Single Account Aggregation - Get Operation” next, which was configured with “$getObject.nativeIdentity$”, and passes “dummy_id” as nativeIdentiy and fails.

  1. How can we update the “$getObject.nativeIdentity$” with the “response.ID” generated in the response of previous operation? “$plan.nativeIdentity$” won’t work as the ID attribute is not available in the plan.

  2. If the above is not possible, how can we stop triggering the “Single Account Aggregation - Get Operation” after the create operation

Kindly help me get a solution.

In Create Account operation, have you added response mapping to read the generated ID to update in user account ?



$plan.nativeIdentity$ should work, it should always have a value.

Yes. I am able to use “Create Account - Get Operation” using “$response.ID$”. This works fine.

Issue is with the “Single Account Aggregation - Get Operation” next, which was configured with “$getObject.nativeIdentity$”, and passes “dummy_id” as nativeIdentiy and fails.

$plan.nativeIdentity$ does not have the ID which was generated after the account creation.

Below are the step:

  1. Create account - After account creation, we get the ID in response.
  2. Create Account - Get Object (Parent = Create account) - We use the “response.ID” to get the required object.
  3. Single Account Aggregation - Get Object - This has no parent and was created just for single account aggregation using $getObject.nativeIdentity$. In this case, plan is the old plan and has no reference of ID which was part of previous operation response. So the request is passed with “dummy_id” and fails.
    Note: This operation works fine for Single account aggregation. This step is called again as step 3 in the above account creation process.

Hi Sandeep,

If the ID of an account is generated by the application itself you should not have the ID present in the create profile. Putting it in the create profile will have ISC populate it with the dummy value as you are experiencing. And account IDs are immutable.
Please remove it from your create profile.

When creating an account it is sufficient to map the ID in the response mapping and IDN will map the ID created by the application to the ID of the account in IDN. That should have the “nativeIdentity” attribute be populated correctly so you can use it for get operations properly.

Thank You @KirstenV

This solved the issue

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