Web service operation provisioning

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Version 8.3

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We are attempting to use web services connector to perform custum POST API calls
the main idea is using :

  • create account operation with POST to provision our app ( working fine) as it creates an account on it
  • update account operation with POST to add an attribute and provision as it updates a the memberName field in the target account (not working)
  • Add entitlement operation , as we want to retrieve the value of the entitlement acquiered from role before performing the operation to reformat it and pass i through the json body using POST ?

Any hint would be valuable !

Hi @massinissa,

Are you facing issue with the update operation, or is it design related ask that is it doable or not with Webservice connector?


Regarding update operation - you said you use POST - usualy POST operation requires you to provide in JSON body not only attribute you are changing but also all others - it’s better to us PUT or PATCH if available for attribute only update not to update whole object like in POST. Usualy in this case you are getting error like 400 - saying that json provided to the endpoint is not correct (and it’s not because it only contains attributes which got changed not full json object representation).

It is possible to fix it but you will need before operation rule to read all missing attributes from the link and add them on the fly.

Regarding second issue - it’s possible to use endpoint chaining eg. you can create 2 endpoints for AddEntitlement operation, first one can be GET, second one whatever you want and you can refere to response from 1st step in second one via $response variable.

it is more about an issue, as the update is triggered by an IT role , as we need to pass another account attribut from plan ($plan.name$) into JSON using POST,

Can you paste json which you want to execute? Just an example

Hi @massinissa,

As answered you may want to change the method of request if possible. If it is not possible then kindly share sample request that you are using and the error that you are getting.

You can remove sensitive information.


i will try by changing the method of the request

Hey there,
From what I understand you wish to add another attribute into the provisioning plan, one that is neither being modified nor the id?
If so, beforeOperation rule might work.
You should be able to modify the body of your request.

EDIT: If you can change the method and thus avoid using a rule, then great.

yes , i wish to add another attribute into the provisioning plan, the attribute is the account native identity (not the plan native identity)

Then the easiest way would be add it directly to json body in the before operation rule.

yes , it worked using before operation rule

thanks for your valuable help


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