Web service connector synchronous operation

We have configured web service connectors with many different access profiles associated with the source. We have instances where users submit multiple access profiles for the same user. Sometimes these requests go the the same approver. The approver then approves them quickly by pressing the approval button as fast as they can.

This leads to errors like this:

Exception occurred while performing ‘Create’ operation on identity ‘RAS271’: Url: https://MUSPV1PR.SW.SHERWIN.COM/PV52WEBSERVICE/Api/USERS_API, Message: 409 : {“errorcount”:1,“log”:[{“Error”:true,“message”:“(Error) Code already exists: RAS271”,“callstack”:“at BusinessObjects.businessObject._save(Boolean forceSave) in C:\VS2015\ProductVision 5.2\Build 5.2.1007.15\ProductVision 5.0\PVClient\BusinessObject\businessObject.vb:line 8284\r\n at BusinessObjects.businessObject.Save() in C:\VS2015\ProductVision 5.2\Build 5.2.1007.15\ProductVision 5.0\PVClient\BusinessObject\businessObject.vb:line 7376\r\n at BusinessObjects.Job.WebApi.Controller._start(List`1 objects) in C:\VS2015\ProductVision 5.2\Build 5.2.1007.15\ProductVision 5.0\PVClient\BusinessObject\Job\WebApi.vb:line 5117”}],“user”:[{“id”:-1}]}, HTTP Error Code: 409

I think this error occurs because IDN sends the provisioning requests immediately after approval to the target. I don’t think it sends the provisioning requests one at a time.

Can we configure the ws connector to wait until one request finishes before sending the next?

Hey Jeffrey,

Did you solve this issue? We are facing the same problem

Hi Mikael, this is a problem in IdentityNow. Sailpoint need to fix their code so that if multiple access requests are submitted, it only does 1 create, then it should do add entitlement operations after that. I tried raising a ticket, but it went nowhere. We simply resubmit access requests when this happens.