Username Generator Transform on Multiple Attributes

Hello Everyone !

The following is the requirement :

  1. Generate a unique sAMAccountName [which will check for patterns] while creating profile .
  2. sAMAccountName is not the Account ID.
  3. Generate Unique DN - DN is account ID .

While DN works fine , sAMAccountName isn’t working . As per my understanding , username generator can check for uniqueness only if the attribute is accountId.
So the question is :
Can we use Username Generator Transform on multiple attributes ? (which is not account id) ?
Without Implementing any cloud / connector rule , is it possible to generate pattern values with unique check ?

Any information on this will be helpful.

Thank you !

Hi @sidharth_tarlapally

If this is for Create Account Profile my understanding is you can use Generate Unique LDAP Attribute pattern for sAMAccountName.


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@sidharth_tarlapally You can use the Generate Unique LDAP Attribute for generating the unique sAMAccountName as @j_place mentioned. If it’s more complex like you want to include the sAMAccountName above 20 char you can go ahead with cloud Rule.

Hope This Helps.

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Hi @sidharth_tarlapally,
If you don’t want to use cloud rule, you can use after create connector rule and generate SamAccountname through the powershell script from IQ server which can check uniqueness and add SamAccountName and UPN at the time of creation.


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