Update the Event summary (custom) in the identitycube

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Version 8.3

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Hi, I want to update the event summary in the event tab of the identity cube when any one the identity change event is triggered. May i check how can I achieve this?

For Ex: If leaver is triggered on the identity Adrian then in then in the event tab instead of " Launched Workflow: Leaver: Adrian" I want something like “Launched Workflow: Leaver: Adrian date”

First Part of it comes from the description of the Lifecycle event if you have any description populated.

Second Part - comes from the auditevent, you might have to modify the string3 of the audit to add the date. There is a method, logTriggerEvent in the IdentityEventLogger class that sets the audit event during lifecycle event and it takes the description of the event. You might have to somehow change the event description before the audit event is created.

Hi Saloni,

Welcome to the developer community!

I think for this you’ll have to modify the business process you are using for leaver processing(rapid setup leaver/Lifecycle event leaver/custom leaver process) you can check this inside Global Settings>Rapid Setup config>leaver tab> leaver business process.

then navigate to that business process and move to the process designer>Edit the Finalize step>Arguments>IdentityName
this argument may refer to identityName try changing this to identityDisplayName from the dropdown

Let me know if this works haven’t tested out it yet!!

Dear Sunny,

Thank you for your swift and insightful response. I comprehend the solution you proposed. However, I have a concern regarding the creation of the Audit Event. My understanding is that the Audit Event is instantiated at the moment the workflow is launched. Therefore, within the workflow, an Audit Event would already exist.

If I were to create a new instance of AuditEvent, my assumption is that it would result in a separate event and would not modify the existing one.

I acknowledge that my understanding may be incorrect. Could you kindly provide guidance on how I might modify this existing Audit Event?

Thanks for your response, unfortunately it didn’t work

If you can share a sample identitychangeevent, then I can help you further.