Termination event does not get triggered for some identities

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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Hi All,

Good day !

Configured workday as authoritative application.
A Termination Identity life cycle event is added with the below options

Type: Attribute Change
Attribute: Lifecycle Status
Old Value: blank
New Value: Terminated
Included Identities (Match list) : lifecyle_status == ‘Terminated’ AND type == “Human” AND employee_id == NULL
Business process: Custom termination workflow

Saw the behaviour where for some users the termination event itself won’t get triggered.
As we have a business logic where upon termination, we clean-up roles and entitlements assigned to the user and have some business logic. This is causing data issues for terminated users holding access. For the missed out users, their lifecycle status is terminated in workday.

No logging is enabled as its production, not able to reproduce the scenario in non-prod environments.
Enabling logging all the time will cause server storage getting full so not choosing that option.

Firstly any ootb report first to find what are these missed out users for whom event is not generated and then, any suggestions on how to find out the cause for whom termination event is skipped.

If it is only happening for a set of users, did you try to find any common thing between those users and I believe users are satisfying your include identities condition

If they satisfy matching condition then it termination event should trigger right, however for some users workflow itself is not called.

Is some refresh task is triggering before triggering termination workflow for these set of users which is changing the old value from blank to terminated .

Team do run an adhoc identity refresh having process events + provision assignments refresh options. Is there anyway we can track the history of identity refresh run on any user ?

may be provisioning transaction table could help.

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