Hello, I am having issue in my application’ s before provisioning rule. I want to set the Attribute “Active” which is a boolean ptoperty to be set as False, when a user account have a particular entitlement. The issue here is the provisioning plan is not able to set attribute Active as False
I am getting error 'openconnector.ConnectorException: Can not prepare SCIM Resource, inputStream is null.’
In the rule I am checking if an account is requesting a particular entitlement, then I am setting the Account Active status as False. Below is how my code looks like
*List accReqList = plan.getAccountRequests(application.getName());*
*if(accReqList != null && !accReqList.isEmpty()){*
*for(AccountRequest accReq : accReqList){*
*if( null != accReq.getOp() && ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest.Operation.Create == accReq.getOperation())*
*if(Util.size(AttributeRequests) > 0 ){*
*for(AttributeRequest attrReq: AttributeRequests){*
*if("groups".equalsIgnoreCase(attrName) && "Add".equalsIgnoreCase(attrReq.getOp().toString())){*
*groupName = attrReq.getValue();*
*if(groupName != null){*
*if(groupName instanceof List){*
*newGroups = (List) groupName;*
*if(groupName instanceof String){*
*newAttList.add(new AttributeRequest("active", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, inactive));*
*else if(!("active".equalsIgnoreCase(attrName))){*
While trying to debug , i am getting After provisiong plan as below.
<ProvisioningPlan nativeIdentity="00410231" targetIntegration="XXXApp" trackingId="xxxxxxxxxxx"><AccountRequest application="XXXApp" assignmentIds="TEMP:e60bc931e966452da21bf94f484fd3b4" op="Create">*
*<AttributeRequest name="groups" op="Add" value="181"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="active" op="Set">*
*<AttributeRequest name="userName" op="Set" value="[email protected]"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="emails.work.primary.value" op="Set" value="[email protected]"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="name.givenName" op="Set" value="Ziser"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="name.familyName" op="Set" value="Zetybu"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="locale" op="Set" value="en-AU"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="timeZone" op="Set" value="AUS Eastern Standard Time"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="addresses.work.country" op="Set" value="GBR"/>*
*<AttributeRequest name="externalId" op="Set" value="04545664"/>*
*<entry key="identityRequestId" value="0000352897"/>*
*<entry key="requester" value="spadmin"/>*
*<entry key="source" value="Batch"/>*
*<Reference class="sailpoint.object.Identity" id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" name="spadmin"/>*
But if I try to print the attribute name, attribute value and operation, I can see the active attribute is set as False.
QuartzScheduler_Worker-1 sailpoint.server.InternalContext:166 - Attr Name: active
QuartzScheduler_Worker-1 sailpoint.server.InternalContext:166 - Operation: Set
QuartzScheduler_Worker-1 sailpoint.server.InternalContext:166 - Attr Value: false
Please help me how to update the attribute as False