Multi-Valued attribute in provisioning plan - not working


I have a Web Services source and can aggregate accounts successfully.
I created a Provisioning Plan/Policy and it is working for single-value String attributes, but it is not working (parsing) multi-valued attributes. It is only getting the first value.

Any idea what I am missing or how I can get it to work?

Thank you


My Provisioning Policy POST /beta/sources/<sourceID>/provisioning-policies

"usageType": "UPDATE",
"fields": [
                "name": "companyName",
                "transform": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "companyName",
                        "sourceName": "mySource"
                "attributes": {},
                "isRequired": true,
                "type": "string",
                "isMultiValued": false
                "name": "roles",
                "transform": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "roles",
                        "sourceName": "mySource"
                "attributes": {},
                "isRequired": true,
                "type": "string",
                "isMultiValued": true

In my Before Operation connector rule:

for (AccountRequest accReq : Util.iterate(provisioningPlan.getAccountRequests())) {
    for (ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest attReq : Util.iterate(accReq.getAttributeRequests())) {
        log.error(logPrefix + "attReq: " + attReq.getName() + " => " + attReq.getValue() + " (" + attReq.getValue().getClass() + ")");

Looking at the account in IDN - GET beta/accounts/<accountID>

        "companyName": "myCompany",
        "roles": [

In the ccg.log, I can see companyName (type String), but roles I see only the first value (printed out by the Before Operation rule)

"WSBO - attReq: companyName => myCompany (class java.lang.String)"
"WSBO - attReq: roles => my_role:18 (class java.lang.String)"

Hi @jrossicare I think you have to mark the role attribute as multivalued in account schema. Please let me know if itā€™s work. Thanks.

Hi Shantha

I have it marked in the account schema as multi-valued, but the type there is ā€œroleā€ (not string) as it is an entitlement type. I wonder if that would make a difference - it shouldnā€™t I would think

Hi Shantha

I tried it out with attribute of type ā€˜stringā€™ and having multi-valued checked in account schema. It is still passing the first value only.

Thanks for the suggestion. Good to rule out possibilities.

Hi Jason,

Looks like you are missing the cloudDelimiter attribute in the JSON.

You will need to specify how the delimited values are parsed :

This is how the account profile would look like :

Thanks @jesvin90 I will give that a go

Hi @jesvin90,

Where does

 "attributes": {
                "cloudDelimiter": ","

go? In the provisioning policy?

I hope Iā€™m not delivering bad news because I have the exact use case but the transforms page does give caution to using account attribute type in provisioning policies :man_facepalming:

Hi Austin,

I can use account attributes in the provisioning policy - just not multi-valued attributes.

Single valued all work fine.

@jrossicare, has the solution from Jesvin worked for you by any chance?
If yes, can you detail out on how?

Right. I havenā€™t got multivalued to work either. Just pointing out that SailPoint has a warning against using accountAttribute in provisioning, even though it does appear to work for single value attributes.

Pass Non-Provisioned Attributes from Before Provision rule to Connector Rules - Blog / Blog Posts - SailPoint Developer Community Forum

Check out Scenario #3 regarding the use case for WebService Connector

I was planning go this route and happen to come across this article. Fingers crossed.

Hi Arshad,
No, it didnt work for me.

The way I have currently got it working is to use a WebServicesClient from within the Before Operation connector rule, to connect to IDN and read the account

I based this on the work by Fernando in Reverse entitlement aggregation for Web Services connector - IdentityNow (IDN) / IDN Show and Tell - SailPoint Developer Community Forum

Excuse my terrible coding, but this is the relevant part

String getJSONEntitlements(String url, String accessToken, String appId, String nativeId) throws Exception {
    //log.error(logPrefix + "WSlookup - start getJSONEntitlements");
    WebServicesClient client = new WebServicesClient();
    Map args = new HashMap();
    Map header = new HashMap();
    List allowedStatuses = new ArrayList();
    String request = String.format("%s/beta/accounts?filters=sourceId eq \"%s\" and nativeIdentity eq \"%s\"", url, appId, nativeId);
    log.error(logPrefix + "WSlookup - request: " + request);
    args.put(WebServicesClient.ARG_URL, request);
    header.put("Authorization", String.format("Bearer %s", accessToken));
    try {
        String response = client.executeGet(request, header, allowedStatuses);
        //log.error(logPrefix + "WSlookup - getJSONEntitlements - returning response");
        return response;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception(String.format("WSlookup Entitlements collection call failed: %s", e.getMessage()));

JsonArray roles33 = new JsonArray();
String nativeIdentity = accReq.getNativeIdentity();
log.error(logPrefix + "Looking up existing roles and groups of user: " + nativeIdentity);
String idnAccount = getJSONEntitlements(IDN_URL, ACCESS_TOKEN, APP_ID, nativeIdentity);
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonArray jsonArray2 = parser.parse(idnAccount).getAsJsonArray();
JsonObject idnAccountJson = jsonArray2.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
//log.error(logPrefix + "idnAccountJson: " + idnAccountJson.toString());
JsonObject attributes = idnAccountJson.getAsJsonObject("attributes");
roles33 = attributes.getAsJsonArray("roles");

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