Unable to import JDBC connector

I am trying to upload the mssqljdbc-11.2.3.jre17.jar in base configuration of JDBC connector. Its shows the error message as “Error Occurred - Please contact your administration”
"TrackID: 54xxxxxxxxx. ". Not able to find what is error and no logs as well about the error.

Please share what would be the mistake with jdbc connector configurations

Thanks in advance,


Welcome to the developer community Sridhar!

I found a similar post to this. JDBC SQL Server driver jar file name

The cause of this error might be that you are using too recent a version of JRE. It looks like the virtual appliance supports JRE 8. Try following this guide to see if it fixes your issue. https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/IdentityNow-Connectors/How-do-I-obtain-the-JAR-file-needed-for-the-Microsoft-SQL-Server/ta-p/80757?_ga=2.144811828.1685970522.1675087881-657344688.1673031187&_gl=1*r77bsr*_ga*NjU3MzQ0Njg4LjE2NzMwMzExODc.*_ga_SS72Z4HXJM*MTY3NTE3NDQ3OC41Ny4xLjE2NzUxNzgxMDguMjQuMC4w