Error occurred before establishing the connection with Server - ClassNotFoundException

Hi All,

I getting following error while connecting to Microsoft SQL Server.

Error Received:
[ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Verify that the driver details are correct/Missing required jar. [ Error details ] Error occurred before establishing the connection with Server. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException :

Following are my sanitized connection settings:

User Name: svcaccount
Password: **************
Uploaded Files: sqljdbc42-6.0.8112.jar

Database URL: jdbc:sqlserver://db server fqdn:1433;DatabaseName=dbname
Driver Class:
Test Connection SQL Query: Select 1
Use Stored Procedure for Test Connection SQL Query: false
Account SQL Query: Select 1
Use Stored Procedure for Account SQL Query: false

Has any faced this issue? Any help or insights would be great.

I appreciate your help.


Also, connector from the VA to the DB server and port is good. I’ve tested that.

Here is an example of a working MS SQL Source config that is using SSL (might not be needed) and a different jar.


Jar File:

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I keep getting the same error. Any fixes? Weird cause some times it will connect and pull accounts but most of the time it gives the error. The driver is present. Has been working before but now almost never able to pull account.

[ InvalidConfigurationException ] [ Possible suggestions ] Verify that the driver details are correct/Missing required jar. [ Error details ] Error occurred before establishing the connection with Server. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException :

Not sure if you got this fixed or not, but for me, the issue was two fold.
1.We were using the wrong jar file (make sure you go to the website @ethompson mentioned to find the correct one and that you select the jre8 version) and
2.traffic from our VA was not being allowed through the firewall on port 1433 to the database server. Once we resolved those two issues, everything started working again. :slight_smile:

Please also verify the jar files is only located in either WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/lib-connectors. When it is located in both you might end up with this and other issues.

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