Unable to detect Inactive IIQ Attribute

Inactive Attribute not being updated to trigger RapidSetup Leaver Event


I have set the IIQ Inactive Attribute to be true when it detects the status attribute from my HR system is Inactive in the Creation rule.

import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import sailpoint.object.ResourceObject;

//Set the Inactive IIQ Attribute based on Status from HR system
String status = account.getStringAttribute("Status");

if( (status !=null) && (status.equalsIgnoreCase("Inactive"))){
} else{

But the Inactive attribute is not being defined “Inactive = true” even with Identity’s that has Inactive status (from HR) during aggregation. Besides, when I filter the identities based on “Is Inactive” under Advanced Analytics, it shows all the Identity as “Inactive = false”.

May I know what is causing the error and how can I resolve it?

Thank you!

The creation rule is only called once, on creation of the identity, so it is not suitable for a leaver process. You should map the inactive identity attribute to your status attribute in the identity mappings.

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Thank you so much @paul_wheeler.

For solution,
Map the Inactive attribute to the Status attribute from HR source and change the source mapping to rule.

import sailpoint.object.Identity;

//Set the Inactive IIQ Attribute based on Status from HR system
String status = identity.getStringAttribute("status");
boolean inactive = false;

if( (status !=null) && (status.equalsIgnoreCase("Inactive"))){
 inactive = true;

return inactive;