Hi Team,
I am trying to use reference type transform with in the Cloud Services Deployment Utility/getReferenceIdentityAttribute rule.
Anyone tried similar method ? Using Cloud Services Deployment Utility/getReferenceIdentityAttribute rule works for referencing the Manager’s DN but we have a delay on calculating Manager DN until next Identity refresh. This is not the usually the case if you have straight mapping for your Manager Name attribute.
We have a first valid on Manager Name.
“name”: “Calculate ManagerDN”,
“type”: “static”,
“name”: “Calculate Manager”,
“type”: “firstValid”,
“attributes”: {
“values”: [
“attributes”: {
“attributeName”: “IDSupv”,
“sourceName”: “SourceA”
“type”: “accountAttribute”
“attributes”: {
“attributeName”: “Manager”,
“sourceName”: “SourceB”
“type”: “accountAttribute”
“internal”: false
Now we have Manager DN with below Transform to get User’s Manager DN. Value populates correctly but only after next refresh on Identity.
“managerDN”: {
“attributes”: {
“values”: [
“attributes”: {
“uid”: “manager”,
“name”: “Cloud Services Deployment Utility”,
“attributeName”: “distinguishedname”,
“operation”: “getReferenceIdentityAttribute”
“type”: “rule”
“attributes”: {
“value”: “NONE”
“type”: “static”
“type”: “firstValid”
To avoid the delay and calculate/populate Manager DN at the time of cube creation, tried couple of different ways to reference the Manager but doesn’t work. No errors either so I guess it is not the format.
"managerDN": {
"attributes": {
"values": [
"attributes": {
"uid": "$managerid",
"managerid": {
"attributes": {
"id": "Calculate Manager"
"type": "reference"
"name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility",
"attributeName": "distinguishedname",
"operation": "getReferenceIdentityAttribute"
"type": "rule"
"attributes": {
"value": "NONE"
"type": "static"
"type": "firstValid"
Has anyone tried this before & worked ?