Get manager Name from ManagerID attrbute

I have a IDN attribute that gives me employee manager number into its field.
I need to take this number and output the DN of the user so it can be passed to AD when created. I have the below wirtten but its giving me null on preview. Any ideas.

The employeeID is mapped to employeeID on the manager source correlation as well


"type": "rule",
    "attributes": {
        "name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility",
        "operation": "getReferenceIdentityAttribute",
        "uid": "identificationNumber",
        "attributeName": "ADOwnerDNName"
    "internal": false

hey !

Create a attribute that grabs the Identity DN

use the transform to grab the manager DN like that

“type”: “rule”,
“attributes”: {
“name”: “Cloud Services Deployment Utility”,
“operation”: “getReferenceIdentityAttribute”,
“uid”: “manager”,
“attributeName”: “ADDN”
“internal”: false

as i am still learning this type transform. Help me out here. The Profile uses the incoming employeeID who is the owner of this service account and then scans their profile looking for the ADDN attribute to replace the employee number.

That is how i understand it and just want to make sure we are not totally off target when we explain this

You need to have a reference or unique value of the identity you want to grab the value from in the identity you’re using it. the best example is Manager Identity relation were the manager field carries the UID for the Manager Identity. and we use it to grab any value from the Manager Identity.

IN the case i sended to you , the manager has a field called AD_DN which contain his DN. and we are grabbing it an putting in his managee Identity.

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