Troubleshooting Delete Reassignment Configuration API 405 Error

Hi all,

I am attempting to use the Delete Reassignment Configuration API call to delete an existing Reassignment Configuration, but when I execute this in either Postman or through the workflow HTTP request it gives me a “405 Method Not Allowed”.

These are the other headers and parameters that I am including in the call where {{identityId}} is the ID of an identity that has a Work Reassignment Configuration

X-SailPoint-Experimental: true
Accept: application/json

identityId: {{identityId}}

Since this is an Experimental API please let me know if there were any updates to this that I missed.

Any assistance is appreciated, thanks!

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@FMay1 Can you try the beta version to make this call delete-reassignment-configuration | SailPoint Developer Community.


@Santhakumar Using the beta version returns the same 405 Method Not Allowed error.

I have also created a new PAT which explicitly includes the scope:
In the case that it was updated and not grandfathered in to my preexisting scope, but that returned the same error as well.

FYI. Checked on my tenant and got the same result.

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Hi @FMay1,

Even I tried Beta, V2024, and using the delete-reassignment-configuration | SailPoint Developer Community to send the api request, I got the same 405 error.

@colin_mckibben is there an issue with this API endpoint?
Please let us know when you get a chance. Thanks!

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This is a documentation issue. The endpoint works if you also provide the config type at the end. The structure is as follows:

DELETE /v2024/reassignment-configurations/{identityId}/{CONFIG_TYPE}

For example, to delete access request reassignment for an identity, provide the following:

DELETE /v2024/reassignment-configurations/{identityId}/ACCESS_REQUESTS

I will update the spec to fix this.


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