Transforming Help on Before Char with Split transform

I have an application source sending me data as Name - employee Number

I wanted to know does anyone have a transform to remove everything after the - so that i can just keep the name so i can use that for manager name.
I cannot seem to find the correct transform to do this process like split which will remove everything before w the - which i am doing for the manager employee n
number and works great.

Hi @VBsupport

A split transform should do the trick:

Split | SailPoint Developer Community

Set the delimiter as “-” and maybe combine with a trim transform to remove the extra space if there is any.

Trim | SailPoint Developer Community

Hope that helps!



    "name": "Split Transform",
    "type": "split",
    "attributes": {
        "delimiter": "-",
        "index": 0
    "internal": false
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Hi @VBsupport,

As @vkashat and @ISC_PR mentioned, you can use split transform to achieve this.
Also, if you need to do more extensive transform operations, i would suggest to use a static transform and use velocity templates inside that so that you can achieve more operations like: for loop, split, contains, if else etc.


Hi @VBsupport ,
In my case this transform is working, hope this will work for you as well.

“name”: “split and Trim”,
“type”: “trim”,
“attributes”: {
“input”: {
“attributes”: {
“delimiter”: “-”,
“index”: 0
“type”: “split”

Thank You!


Thanks everyone. I got it after the fact and was having a off day.

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