Transform - Complex For each statement in a velocity script

Transform – Complex foreach - Velocity Script “foreach” transform

This portion of the transform comes from a static transform type showing the value portion of the script where the velocity logic resides. The transform is ingesting multiple departments in one format, converting it to a different format and removing duplicates.

"value": "#set($uniqueDepts = [])#if($persona != 'Student - X' && $persona != 'Student - Y' && $psDept != 'none')$psDept#elseif(($persona == 'X' || $persona == 'Y') && $studentDept != 'none')#set($studentDepts = $studentDept.replaceAll('\\{\\}', '').replaceAll('\\}\\{', ', ').replaceAll('[{}]','').split(', '))#foreach($dept in $studentDepts)#if(!$uniqueDepts.contains($dept))#set($ignore = $uniqueDepts.add($dept))#end#end#set($output = $uniqueDepts.toString().replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))$output#end"

Let’s first format the velocity script so that it is a little bit more readable:

#set($uniqueDepts = [])

#if($persona != 'Student - X' && $persona != 'Student - Y' && $psDept != 'none')$psDept

#elseif(($persona == 'X' || $persona == 'Y') && $studentDept != 'none')

#set($studentDepts = $studentDept.replaceAll('\\{\\}', '').replaceAll('\\}\\{', ', ').replaceAll('[{}]','').split(', '))

#foreach($dept in $studentDepts)


#set($ignore = $uniqueDepts.add($dept))



#set($output = $uniqueDepts.toString().replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))



Sample Input Data

  • Input: {blue}{orange}{green}{blue}{}{}

Step-by-Step Explanation

  1. Initial Setup :
#set($uniqueDepts = [])

This initializes an empty list unique Titles to store unique departments.

  1. Checking Conditions :
#if($persona != 'Student - X' && $persona != 'Student - Y' && $psDept != 'none')$psDept

#elseif(($persona == 'Student - X' || $persona == 'Student - Y') && $studentDept != 'none')

The script first checks if the persona is not ‘Student - X’ or ‘Student - Y’ and if $psDept is not ‘none’. If this condition is true, it directly outputs $psDept. The PS Department represents a department from a different source that would be written out if they are not a Student X or Y.

If the persona is either ‘Student - X’ or ‘Student - Y’ and $studentDept is not ‘none’, it proceeds to the next step.

  1. Processing Student Departments :
#set($studentDepts = $studentDept.replaceAll('\\{\\}', '').replaceAll('\\}\\{', ', ').replaceAll('[{}]','').split(', '))

Here, the script processes the $studentDept string by:

  1. Removing empty braces {}.
  2. Replacing the closing and opening brace }{ with a comma and a space “, “.
  3. Removing any remaining braces {}.
  4. Splitting the cleaned string by , to create an array of departments.

For the given sample data, the processed result will be: [“blue”, “orange”, “green”, “blue”].

  1. Iterating Over Departments to remove duplicate values :
#foreach($dept in $studentDepts)


#set($ignore = $uniqueDepts.add($dept))



The script iterates over each department in studentDepts:

  1. For each department, it checks if uniqueDepts already contains the department.
  2. If it doesn’t contain the department, it adds the department to uniqueDepts.

After processing the sample data, uniqueDepts will be:

[“blue”, “orange”, “green”].

  1. Formatting the Output :
#set($output = $uniqueDepts.toString().replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))



The script converts uniqueDepts to a string and removes the square brackets , creating the final output.

Final Output

For the given sample data {blue}{orange}{green}{blue}{}{}, the final output will be:

blue, orange, green

This output contains the unique departments separated by a comma and a space.