The identity is missing an email address

Hello All,

i configured IDN Admins identity profile and uploaded the list of users but iam getting error the identity is missing an email address although that i didnot add mail address mapping anywhere neither in the identity profile mapping nor source correlation.

Any idea why is that happening and how to solve it ?

Hi Ahmed,

Work email (email) is a mandatory identity attribute. It must not be null but there is no email validation check on this attribute value.

Documentation Link: Creating Identity Profiles - SailPoint Identity Services

Hi Jo,

Thanks for your reply.

what i need to do is to create the identity then create AD account and to use the AD account mail to be linked as identity attribute but it is not working as the mail address should be available while creating the identity itself (before creating the AD account).

how can i reach that ?

Hi Ahmed, a suggestion to this will be using the firstValid transform operation:

    "attributes": {
        "values": [
                "attributes": {
                    "sourceName": "AD-Source",
                    "attributeName": "mail"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Not Applicable"
    "type": "firstValid",
    "name": "Get Work Email"

You can try to apply this transform script on your email attribute. During identity creation, it will be set as “Not Applicable”, but when the AD account is created, and the mail attribute value is valid, your AD mail attribute should be linked to your identity attribute “email”.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks alot, i will try that solution.

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