TaskSchedule Cron Expressions

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javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: CronExpression ‘0 * * * 1-5’ is invalid.

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I wanted to schedule a task to run on Monday - Friday hourly. The below cron string

0 * * * 1-5

doesn’t work. It throws invalid cron string error.
Any help?

Hi @aseelvn07,

can you try with 0 * * * MON-FRI?


Hi @aseelvn07,

Sailpoint using the quartz scheduler. Please use the following cron expression to run the job hourly from Monday to Friday.

0 0 * ? * MON-FRI

Hi @aseelvn07

You can generate the cron expression from the below link

Please try out in non prod environment to check the scheduled time.


@aseelvn07 -

Use the below -

0 0 0/1 ? * MON-FRI *

Explaination -

  • Second (0): At the 0th second.
  • Minute (0): At the 0th minute.
  • Hour (0/1): Every hour, starting at midnight.
  • Day of Month (?): No specific day (required for Quartz when specifying day of week).
  • Month (*): Every month.
  • Day of Week (MON-FRI): Monday through Friday.
  • Year (*): Any year.

Mark it as solved if it works

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