@LEOS1 concerning your needs to stop sending based some condition from your email body is not possible directly.
As say above the only way to stop email sending is to evaluate in your email subject.
In the email subject you can use velocity script in the same way that you use in body.
Not that email subject is limited to 250 that i confirm with Sailpoint in my following Post Email template condition and subejct max length
I also use this complex velocity script in my email subject for sending or blocking email based on condiftion :
#set($block='false')#foreach($item in $approvalSet.items)#if($item.applicationName=='IdentityNow [source]')#if($item.name=='role')#if($item.operation=='Remove')#set($block='true')#end#end#end#end#if($block=='true')#stop#{else}Modif#end
I reduce all space and some checking for 250 max lengths constraint in the subject