I am using an Ambassador tenant of IDN on identitynow-demo.com. I’m using attempting to import an unmodified copy of a RULE object that I just exported earlier today from the same tenant. The export does contain the jwsHeader and jwsSignature.
I’m having two separate problems.
First, if I try to import the entire file produced by the export CLI command, I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. That seems less than ideal.
Second, if I export a single object and try to re-import that, I get this signature error:
"message": "com.sailpoint.sp.config.exception.ImportFailedException: failed to verify signature in object: SignedImportObject(super=ImportObject(version=1, self=com.sailpoint.cloud.api.client.model.BaseReferenceDto@f27c2501, object={...
I want to reiterate that this is an object exported from the very same tenant I’m trying to import it into.
I found a thread from a few months ago indicating that this was a known glitch, but was fixed in the April timeframe. How do I go about debugging this problem?