SPConfig import failure: failed to verify signature in object

I am using an Ambassador tenant of IDN on identitynow-demo.com. I’m using attempting to import an unmodified copy of a RULE object that I just exported earlier today from the same tenant. The export does contain the jwsHeader and jwsSignature.

I’m having two separate problems.

First, if I try to import the entire file produced by the export CLI command, I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. That seems less than ideal.

Second, if I export a single object and try to re-import that, I get this signature error:

"message": "com.sailpoint.sp.config.exception.ImportFailedException: failed to verify signature in object: SignedImportObject(super=ImportObject(version=1, self=com.sailpoint.cloud.api.client.model.BaseReferenceDto@f27c2501, object={...

I want to reiterate that this is an object exported from the very same tenant I’m trying to import it into.

I found a thread from a few months ago indicating that this was a known glitch, but was fixed in the April timeframe. How do I go about debugging this problem?

FYI: I’m still having this problem, still using rules that I’ve just exported from the very same instance I’m trying to re-import into.

Is anybody else running into this?

I found the answer a couple of minutes later.

It’s that the JSON export I was using was sorted. Turns out that when they mean “you can’t modify the RULE”, they mean “you can’t modify the JSON”, even if that means that the content is identical.


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