Source Account Updated workflow

“Source Account Updated” triggers even when a new source account is created. Is that expected behavior?

Can we have a check to trigger “Source Account Updated” only for existing records?

@colin_mckibben Can you update me on this?

Hi @Manju22 ,

Source Account Updated should only trigger for existing accounts that are updated, not new accounts. Can you please open a support ticket? The support team will need to triage this with your tenant’s logs to see what is going on.

I have submitted a support ticket and received the below response. Can you confirm the actual behaviour or design?

The following actions are what triggers the source account updated trigger to fire:

Update account attributes

Enable or disable an account

Lock or unlock source accounts

Change source account password

Because attributes are modified during an account creation, that behavior would cause this trigger to fire. You can read more about this behavior in the Source Account Updated Trigger documentation.

Hi @colin_mckibben ,

Can you provide update on this query.

Let me speak with the support team. Do you have a ticket number I can reference?

Hi @colin_mckibben ,

Support Ticket #174698

Thank you. I’ll talk with the product team to get to the bottom of what is going on. I agree that this should only fire when an existing account has been updated, but there might be something going on at a deeper architecture level that is resulting in this behavior.

@colin_mckibben , I have suddenly noticed changes in the “source account updated” workflow in our tenant.

“Source account updated” workflow is not working. I have four workflows for “source account updated.” I could see it working only for one workflow and not working for others, but they all have the same trigger filter. I tried to create a new one today and that also didn’t work.

I have attached the workflow definition for all. The working one is “MailSourceaccupdate20220920”

“Test workflow” works correctly for non-working workflows. But those workflows are not triggered when aggregation happens and when source account attributes are updated.

VVUserSourceUpdate20220920.txt (9.5 KB)
MailSourceaccupdate20220920.txt (1.8 KB)
NewmanualStudyperson20220920.txt (1.6 KB)
StudyPersonSourceUpdate20220920.txt (9.1 KB)

For this issue, please create a support ticket. Our support team has the capability to investigate your tenant to see what’s going on better than the community can.