{ "name": "Study_Person Source Update", "description": "", "modified": "2022-09-20T09:53:09.647332613Z", "definition": { "start": "Wait", "steps": { "Compare Numbers": { "choiceList": [ { "comparator": "NumericEquals", "nextStep": "Send Email", "variableA.$": "$.hTTPRequest.statusCode", "variableB": 202 } ], "defaultStep": "Wait 1", "description": "Compare the HTTP Call Status code", "type": "choice" }, "Compare Numbers 1": { "choiceList": [ { "comparator": "NumericEquals", "nextStep": "Send Email 1", "variableA.$": "$.hTTPRequest1.statusCode", "variableB": 202 } ], "defaultStep": "Wait 2", "description": "Compare the HTTP Call Status code", "type": "choice" }, "Compare Numbers 2": { "choiceList": [ { "comparator": "NumericEquals", "nextStep": "Send Email 2", "variableA.$": "$.hTTPRequest.statusCode", "variableB": 202 } ], "defaultStep": "Send Email 3", "description": "Compare the HTTP Call Status code", "type": "choice" }, "HTTP Request": { "actionId": "sp:http", "attributes": { "authenticationType": null, "jsonRequestBody.$": "$.trigger.attributes.ppdSnowflakeStudyRoleBody", "method": "put", "requestContentType": "text", "requestHeaders": "x-client-name:iga-dev\nx-client-id:e974f515bd6e4cbaa788dfb039f4692b\nx-client-secret:065aeaa0bAfd4d70AbBFCcEB4AB882e8\nAccept:application/json", "textRequestBody.$": "$.trigger.attributes.SnowflakeStudyTeam", "url": "http://edata-dev-exp-veeva-auth-api-v1.us-e2.cloudhub.io/api/study/teams", "urlParams": null }, "description": "Snowflake gets a PUT call when the \"Veeva Clinical Access\" source account gets updated during aggregation.", "nextStep": "Compare Numbers", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "HTTP Request 1": { "actionId": "sp:http", "attributes": { "method": "put", "requestContentType": "text", "requestHeaders": "x-client-name:iga-dev\nx-client-id:e974f515bd6e4cbaa788dfb039f4692b\nx-client-secret:065aeaa0bAfd4d70AbBFCcEB4AB882e8\nAccept:application/json", "textRequestBody.$": "$.trigger.attributes.SnowflakeStudyTeam", "url": "http://edata-dev-exp-veeva-auth-api-v1.us-e2.cloudhub.io/api/study/teams" }, "description": "First Retry", "nextStep": "Compare Numbers 1", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "HTTP Request 2": { "actionId": "sp:http", "attributes": { "method": "put", "requestContentType": "text", "requestHeaders": "x-client-name:iga-dev\nx-client-id:e974f515bd6e4cbaa788dfb039f4692b\nx-client-secret:065aeaa0bAfd4d70AbBFCcEB4AB882e8\nAccept:application/json", "textRequestBody.$": "$.trigger.attributes.SnowflakeStudyTeam", "url": "http://edata-dev-exp-veeva-auth-api-v1.us-e2.cloudhub.io/api/study/teams" }, "description": "Second retry", "nextStep": "Compare Numbers 2", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "Send Email": { "actionId": "sp:send-email", "attributes": { "body": "
Studyperson PUT Call Success! 

Name     = ${name} ;

Studyperson ID    = ${id}  ;

Mulesoft ID   = ${GUID} ;
", "context": { "GUID.$": "$.hTTPRequest.body", "id.$": "$.trigger.attributes.id", "identityName.$": "$.trigger.identityName", "name.$": "$.trigger.attributes.name__v" }, "recipientEmailList": [ "sailpointnotificationso365@ppdcentral.mail.onmicrosoft.com" ], "subject": "Studyperson Updated - ${id} - ${name}" }, "description": "Send a success message with the Mulesoft correlation ID.", "nextStep": "success", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "Send Email 1": { "actionId": "sp:send-email", "attributes": { "body": "
Studyperson PUT Call Success! 

Name     = ${name} ;

Studyperson ID    = ${id}  ;

Mulesoft ID   = ${GUID} ;
", "context": { "GUID.$": "$.hTTPRequest.body", "id.$": "$.trigger.attributes.id", "identityName.$": "$.trigger.identityName", "name.$": "$.trigger.attributes.name__v" }, "recipientEmailList": [ "sailpointnotificationso365@ppdcentral.mail.onmicrosoft.com" ], "subject": "Studyperson Updated - ${id} - ${name}" }, "description": "Send a success message with the Mulesoft correlation ID.", "nextStep": "success 2", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "Send Email 2": { "actionId": "sp:send-email", "attributes": { "body": "
Studyperson PUT Call Success! 

Name     = ${name} ;

Studyperson ID    = ${id}  ;

Mulesoft ID   = ${GUID} ;
", "context": { "GUID.$": "$.hTTPRequest.body", "id.$": "$.trigger.attributes.id", "identityName.$": "$.trigger.identityName", "name.$": "$.trigger.attributes.name__v" }, "recipientEmailList": [ "sailpointnotificationso365@ppdcentral.mail.onmicrosoft.com" ], "subject": "Studyperson Updated - ${id} - ${name}" }, "description": "Send a success message with the Mulesoft correlation ID.", "nextStep": "success 1", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "Send Email 3": { "actionId": "sp:send-email", "attributes": { "body": "
Studyperson PUT Call Failure! 

Name     = ${name} ;

Studyperson ID    = ${id}  ;

Mulesoft ID   = ${GUID} ;
", "context": { "GUID.$": "$.hTTPRequest.body", "id.$": "$.trigger.attributes.id", "identityName.$": "$.trigger.identityName", "name.$": "$.trigger.attributes.name__v" }, "recipientEmailList": [ "sailpointnotificationso365@ppdcentral.mail.onmicrosoft.com" ], "subject": "PUT Call Failure notification - Studyperson Update - ${id} - ${name}" }, "description": "Send a failure message", "nextStep": "failure", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 2 }, "Wait": { "actionId": "sp:sleep", "attributes": { "duration": "1m", "type": "waitFor" }, "description": "Pause the workflow for a minute so that the POST call gets executed first.", "nextStep": "HTTP Request", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 1 }, "Wait 1": { "actionId": "sp:sleep", "attributes": { "duration": "1m", "type": "waitFor" }, "description": "Wait and retry", "nextStep": "HTTP Request 1", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 1 }, "Wait 2": { "actionId": "sp:sleep", "attributes": { "duration": "1m", "type": "waitFor" }, "description": "Wait and retry", "nextStep": "HTTP Request 2", "type": "action", "versionNumber": 1 }, "failure": { "description": null, "failureDetails": null, "failureName": "Unable to Send PUT", "type": "failure" }, "success": { "description": "Workflow Stops", "type": "success" }, "success 1": { "description": "Workflow Stops", "type": "success" }, "success 2": { "description": "Workflow Stops", "type": "success" } } }, "creator": { "type": "IDENTITY", "id": "2c9180857c7f51e1017c8037c02d04ea", "name": "Daniel.Keisling" }, "trigger": { "type": "EVENT", "attributes": { "id": "idn:source-account-updated", "filter.$": "$[?($.sourceId == \"2c91808a80aed5400180d2819c453b89\")]" } } }