SOD Policy Created

Hi Experts,

I have created an SOD policy, when I submit an access request for an entitlement in SOD policy, I see violation showing up, but the access request got provisioned. [Note : System is configured with No approvals]. My expectation was provisioning will fail incase of violation.

Hi @chandramohans27,

Here the behavio of SOD policy in preventive mode :

After your SOD created.

  • If you request at the first time one a set of access (from your two set of access) for user who not have any accesses; it will be provisioned whitout violation detected.
  • But if a user already has one set access and you request another set of access, the violation will be detected and task are assigned to violation owner for his validation.
  • For test that, with your new SOD policy :
    • Request one acces from the first set of acces for user and verified that provisioning is successfuly compleed
    • For the same user ask again one access from the second set access, you will see that violation is occured (view My Resquest) and violation owner must be validate before are completed.
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Hi @chandramohans27,

Take a look at this.

Preventive SOD is about notifying the requestor and reviewer about the violation. AFAIK, If there are no approvals configured then the request is expected to go through.


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