SOD policies: mass import

Currently, we can set up up to 500 policies (general and SOD) in IDN. I am wondering if there is any way to mass upload policies into IDN or do they need to be set up manually through the UI? We do have an access profile importer script and I am wondering if there is an API to configure several SOD policies.

Thank you.

Here is a link to the API for SOD policies, looks like its only on the beta route and not V3 at the moment. I typically don’t have issues with the APIs in the beta route.

Thank you, Caleb. I am wondering if there is a way to import all entitlements to be configured for a policy via a script as opposed to doing it manually in the UI. I do not see an API for that.

In the update and create calls there is a conflictingAccessCriteria object that would contain the entitlements

"conflictingAccessCriteria": {
    "leftCriteria": {
      "name": "money-in",
      "criteriaList": [
          "type": "ENTITLEMENT",
          "id": "2c9180866166b5b0016167c32ef31a66",
          "name": "Administrator"
          "type": "ENTITLEMENT",
          "id": "2c9180866166b5b0016167c32ef31a67",
          "name": "Administrator"
    "rightCriteria": {
      "name": "money-in",
      "criteriaList": [
          "type": "ENTITLEMENT",
          "id": "2c9180866166b5b0016167c32ef31a66",
          "name": "Administrator"
          "type": "ENTITLEMENT",
          "id": "2c9180866166b5b0016167c32ef31a67",
          "name": "Administrator"