Services Standard BeforeProvisioning Missing AddArguments

Hi Sailors,

I’m utilizing the SailPoint “Services Standard” BeforeProvisioning rule (1.6) to pass various identity attributes to my AfterModify rule on an AD connector with the “AddArgument” event action:

    "Action": "AddArgument",
    "Attribute": "endDate",
    "Value": "#{identity.endDate}"

Most of these arguments are appearing in the account request in IQ Service, however some seem to be missing. I’ve verified that the corresponding identity attributes are populated and the naming matches. Interestingly, the set of missing attributes is consistent across identities and event triggers, but differs across identities from different identity profiles.

I know that this is a niche use case, but has anyone encountered this issue before? Alternatively if anyone could point me to where the log output of a BeforeProvisioning rule appears, it would be much appreciated. I’ve checked both the IQTrace and CCG logs and am seeing no output from the rule’s logging statements.
