Servicenow Catalog integration with SailPoint IDN


Is a certificate needed for the integration of servicenow catalog and sailpoint IDN? Or it just needs the OAuth connection?


Hi @Laks1,

You don’t need certificate for OAuth setup. Generate a client_id and secret with the permission as “sp:scopes:all” in SailPoint and configure those details in ServiceNow catalogue setup.

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If you are setuping a connector to manage ServiceNow Or use it as a request center , you need to have on ServiceNow side the Sailpoint IDN apps, from serviceNow store.

If you just want to open ticket on certain incidents or request URL , you just need the OAUTH authentication, HOWEVER if you face any issues with certificates, you can just import the certificate in the VA( I think it uses the VA).


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In addition, the user that the PAT belongs to must be an ORG_ADMIN

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