Search Query For Fields

I have a field with list of options to select or search through.
I want it to be such that if I search for a work that is written anywhere in the middle of a sentence then also that option gets visible.

For Example
“A dog is running” (A value in list)
If I search for “running” then also I get to see this option to select since it has “running” word in it.

How can I achieve this?

Hi @pctripathi,

If you store data in a list, you can search for a keyword, and all matching entries will be displayed.

 <Field displayName="Test" name="Test fiels" type="string">
                import java.util.List;
                  import java.util.ArrayList;
                List list = new ArrayList();
                list.add("i am working");
                list.add("work is important");
                list.add("i am running");
                return list;

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