Is there a way to search for all access requests and approvals for a specific application configured in ISC? We have an application set up with a few access profiles that point to our Active Directory source. We want to query requests and approvals just for those access profiles.
Please try below
Access Request Report
type:Access_Request AND'Active Directory'
Approval report
We have thousands of access request for Active Directory - which is why I’m trying to narrow my search down to the Application level, not the source level.
Didn’t come across search on Application yet not sure it is supported.
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Assuming that you want to search on a specific set of access profiles, you can try something like the below…
name:Approval AND attributes.accessItemName:"accessName"
This should return a list of approvals for that access profile.
For access requests, the following can be used:
type:Access_Request AND (details:"accessProfileName1" OR details:"accessProfileName2")
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