Search Examples within the Identity Security Cloud User Interface


New to IDN / ISC and need assistance understanding search criteria within the User Interface.


Below are search examples and a description of what the search does. Note that value data would need to be substituted for what is in your own tenant.

attributes.department:Sales AND @accounts( AND NOT @access(value:"MeetingType 220")

Searches for identities in the Sales department who have a Webex account but do not have access to “MeetingType 220”.

attributes.cloudStatus:PENDING OR attributes.cloudStatus:UNREGISTERED

Searches for identities with a cloudStatus attribute of either “PENDING” or “UNREGISTERED”.

attributes.cloudLifecycleState:inactive AND @accounts(disabled:false)

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “inactive” and have at least one account that is not disabled. AND attributes.cloudLifecycleState:inactive transition) AND @access(value:EXCHANGESERVER*)

Searches for contractor identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “inactive transition” and have access to an Exchange server.

Searches for identities whose manager’s name is “brandy.smith”.

@access(type:ROLE AND name:Inventory*)

Searches for identities with access to a role that starts with “Inventory”.


Searches for identities with a location attribute of “London”.

attributes.location:London AND created:[2021-01-01 TO now]

Searches for identities with a location attribute of “London” and were created between January 1, 2021 and the current date/time. TST AND attributes.cloudLifecycleState: (onLeave)

Searches for identities with an identity profile name of “TST” and a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “onLeave”.

created:[now-1M TO now], created:[now-24h TO now], created:[now-1w TO now]

Searches for identities created within the last month, last 24 hours, or last week, respectively.

NOT _exists_:attributes.cloudLifecycleState

Searches for identities that do not have a cloudLifecycleState attribute.

@accounts(disabled:false AND locked:false) AND (NOT attributes.cloudLifecycleState:"Inactive")

Searches for identities with at least one account that is not disabled or locked, and do not have a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “Inactive”.

attributes.endDate:[now-1y TO now]

Searches for identities with an endDate attribute between one year ago and the current date/time.

attributes.titleChangeDate:[*now TO now*], attributes.titleChangeDate:[*now-7d TO now*] && NOT created:[now-1M TO now]

Searches for identities with a titleChangeDate attribute on the current date or within the last 7 days, respectively, excluding identities created within the last month.

attributes.managerChangeDate:[*now-7d TO now*] && attributes.costCenterChangeDate:[*now-7d TO now*] && NOT created:[now-1M TO now]

Searches for identities with both a managerChangeDate and costCenterChangeDate attribute within the last 7 days, excluding identities created within the last month.

attributes.adou:"NO-CONTAINER" && attributes.cloudLifecycleState:"active"

Searches for identities with an adou attribute of “NO-CONTAINER” and a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “active”.

attributes.managerChangeDate:[*now-1M TO now*] && attributes.costCenterChangeDate:[*now-1M TO now*] && NOT created:[now-1M TO now] && TST

Searches for identities with both a managerChangeDate and costCenterChangeDate attribute within the last month, excluding identities created within the last month, and have an identity profile name of “TST”.

attributes.titleChangeDate:[*now-1M TO now*] && NOT created:[now-1M TO now] && TST

attributes.titleChangeDate:[*now-1M TO now*] && attributes.cloudLifecycleState:active && TST

attributes.titleChangeDate:[*now-1M TO now*] && attributes.cloudLifecycleState:active && TST && NOT created:[now-7d TO now]

Searches for identities with a titleChangeDate attribute within the last month, excluding identities created within the last month or last 7 days, have an identity profile name of “TST”, and optionally have a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “active”. Workday && attributes.officeName: "NO OFFICE NAME" && (attributes.campus: "01" || attributes.campus: "04")

Searches for identities with an identity profile name of “Workday”, an officeName attribute of “NO OFFICE NAME”, and a campus attribute of either “01” or “04”.

"Create Account Failed"

Searches for the exact phrase “Create Account Failed”.

attributes.primaryJobCode:1000235 &&

Searches for identities with a primaryJobCode attribute of “1000235” and an identity profile name of “TST”.

name:"Send Email Passed" AND"[email protected]"

Searches for sent emails with the name “Send Email Passed” and a target email address of “[email protected]”.

attributes.cloudLifecycleState:inactivedelete AND @accounts("Production AD Connector")

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “inactivedelete” and have an account in the “Production AD Connector” source.

NOT(attributes.adAccountExpires:"never") AND _exists_:attributes.adAccountExpires AND attributes.cloudLifecycleState:"active" AND @accounts("Production AD Connector")

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “active”, have an adAccountExpires attribute that is not set to “never”, and have an account in the “Production AD Connector” source.

((@accountRequests(op:modify &&"cloudLifecycleState") AND NOT"System"))

Searches for account requests that modify the cloudLifecycleState attribute and were not requested by a user named “System”.

attributes.cloudLifecycleState:terminatedHold AND @accounts("Active Directory - Prod"), attributes.cloudLifecycleState:terminatedRemove AND @accounts("Active Directory - Prod")

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “terminatedHold” or “terminatedRemove”, respectively, and have an account in the “Active Directory - Prod” source.

attributes.cloudLifecycleState:prehire || attributes.cloudLifecycleState:earlyStart || attributes.cloudLifecycleState:"Future Start" || attributes.cloudLifecycleState:futureStudent || attributes.cloudLifecycleState:INVALID

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “prehire”, “earlyStart”, “Future Start”, “futureStudent”, or “INVALID”.

attributes.cloudLifecycleState:active && @accounts(disabled:true)

Searches for identities with a cloudLifecycleState attribute of “active” and have at least one disabled account.

@roles(id:123abc OR name:"Admin Role")

Searches for identities with a role that has an ID of “123abc” or a name of “Admin Role”.

@entitlements("Salesforce" AND value:"Manager")

Searches for identities with an entitlement in the Salesforce application with a value of “Manager”.

@accessProfiles(name:"Contractor Access Profile" AND priority:high)

Searches for identities with an access profile named “Contractor Access Profile” and a priority of “high”.

@accessRequests("john.doe" AND requestType:grant)

Searches for access requests made for the identity “john.doe” with a request type of “grant”.

@certifications(type:manager AND signed:true)

Searches for identities with a manager certification that has been signed.

attributes.department:/Engineering/Software Development/

Searches for identities in the “Software Development” department within the “Engineering” department hierarchy.

attributes.jobTitle:"Manager" OR attributes.jobTitle:"Director"

Searches for identities with a job title of either “Manager” or “Director”.


Hi @ts_fpatterson,

I used to refer IdentityNow Common Search Queries - Compass ( but your post has more sample search queries. Appreciate you sharing knowledge.


@ts_fpatterson @The_IAMSheriff
This is a great topic! The SailPoint team also recently held a webinar on this topic. Here are the chapters:

Advanced Search techniques in Identity Security Cloud
Start: Advanced Search
Searchable Data Model
What we’re returning for results
First-Level Fields
Second-Level Fields (Objects)
Nested-Level Fields (Arrays)
Docs: Sample Data Models & Searchable Fields
innerHits examples
innerHits example (on a role)
Search Query Aggregation
Simple Bucket, Search Aggregation
Metric Search Aggregation
Bucketized, Filtered & Sorted Search Aggregation
Event: Query to show entitlement add failures
Regular Expressions
RegEx Tips
RegEx Examples
Regular Expressions in General Policies
Taggable Objects
Tags in the Object Model
Tagging in the UI
See Us At Navigate!