Search by account attributes

Hi All

We need search users by a specific account attribute but we don’t know if it is possible in IdentityNow. How can we do this search?

Thanks in advance


Hi @vmingo,

I doubt if we have any API to query an identity based on Link’s attribute, but you can create a rule to and use filterString to get the identity i guess.

Hi Victor, unfortunately there is not a way to use search for account attributes. You’ll need to “promote” the attribute in question to the identity level in order for it to be searchable. If you need help with that, let me know and I can talk you through it.

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@dheerajk27 You can’t create a rule or use filterString on search. Victor would need to make the account attribute(s) in question an identity attribute.


Thanks Adam

Yes, I knew about creating an identity attribute, I just wanted to know if it was possible to search directly for user account attributes.


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