SCIM patch method not working

We are using a non complaint SCIM 2.0 source. If we create an user by assigning a role, Sailpoint sends a POST call to the target system to create the user and it sends a PATCH call to assign the group.

the option “use HTTP PATCH” is disabled on the source config.

the target system cannot proces the payload that been send by SailPoint IDN. It seems the payload is not SCIM complaint. Can anyone advise on how to change this? the payload is send as:

“Operations”: [
“op”: “add”,
“value”: {
“members”: {
“value”: “DP3QA6HHGNGVDET53K”

According to the system + SCIM standard it should be something like:

       "display": "Babs Jensen",
“value”: “2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646”
… + additional operations if needed …

Hi Maikel,

You say that your SCIM server is non-compliant. I’ve seen such cases in the past being implemented by using the WebServices connector for a simple use case. The SCIM connector has “high expectations” of the compliance and correct implementation of the SCIM server.

If you don’t need to much of the SCIM server’s features, it’s quite doable to (partially) implement SCIM protocol using the WebServices connector. You’ll have a bit more flexibility, at the price of a bit more configuration work.

  • Menno