Error using the SCIM 2.0 Connector to manage JFrog groups


I’m using the SCIM 2.0 connector to manage Jfrog users life cycle and groups. From what I have read, Jfrog is not SCIM 2 fully compliant and it offers just the /Users and the /Groups endpoints (doc here). That’s why I set the connector as not compliant.

Ok. I have no issues controlling user lifecycle, so provisioning works as expected and I can also enable and disable accounts from Sailpoint. The problem comes when I try to update JFrog groups using Sailpoint. It get a very generic error:

openconnector.ConnectorException: Error while performing operation : Add Entitlement Error code : 500 { “status” : 500, “detail” : "Unexpected error ", “schemas” : [ “urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error” ] }

I enabled debugging on the VA for that connector but, to be honest, I didn’t find anything more useful than that generic error above. I have no clue how to start debugging the issue as the error is super generic and this my first time using the SCIM 2.0 connector.

I’m able to modify the group membership using the JFrog SCIM API using tools like postman and the /Group endpoint but, as I have no clue how Sailpoint is executing the call, I can’t make any progress.

I tried creating a very basic group schema…I also tried without it. I tried creating Update Group provisioning polices and without them…I always get the same error 500 error with that generic description.

Does anyone knows how to fix this issue or at least start debugging it?


Ok. I found the reason why it fails. I opened another thread to discuss about it:

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